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Xavier Fine Arts Theatre

1600 W. Prospect Avenue
Appleton, WI

920 733 8840

Masks are optional.
COVID-19 Protocols are subject to changes and updates at any time.

Christmas Stars Student Cast Registration

Please enter information carefully. All questions are required unless otherwise indicated.

Student Information

We are excited to have you and your family return to the Christmas Stars cast again this year. We would like to remind everyone that casting is based on the expectation that the child will be able to memorize music and perform his/her role proficiently, behave in a respectful and cooperative manner, and that parents fulfill the expectations outlined in this form. The child’s continued participation in the production is dependent upon these conditions. Thank you.

Parent Information

Before you register as a cast member, we would like to remind you of the expectations we have of our cast.

Rehearsal Attendance:

All cast members are expected to attend regularly scheduled rehearsals, dress rehearsals and performances.
Casting is based on information provided in this form. Any change in availability may affect participation in the production.
Please take a moment to review your calendar for any prior commitments such as Confirmation, out-of-town weddings, performances for choir, band, etc. when completing the next section.

Adults: Aug 25 through Super Sunday, Nov 24, Children, Cherub & Youth: Sept 15 through Super Sunday, Nov 24

or indicate missed dates below

Any soloist, small group and dancers will be expected to attend additional rehearsals some Sunday afternoons prior to the Sunday full choir rehearsal.

Your participation in the show will be re-evaluated if your attendance is inconsistent.

Dress Rehearsals and Show Performances:

All cast members are expected to attend/perform at each dress rehearsal and each show.

Dress rehearsals:

Dec 2, Dec 3, Dec 4

or indicate missed dates below


7:00 pm Dec 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 and 1:00 pm Dec 7, 8, 14, 15

or indicate missed dates below


If music/costumes become damaged or lost, reimbursement will be expected.

Virtus Training:

As a cast member or volunteer, adults are required to have completed/be enrolled in VIRTUS training.
The Diocese of Green Bay policy on VIRTUS states that all priests, deacons, other ministers, and employees who may or may not have contact with children, young people and individuals at risk and volunteers who have contact with children, young people and individuals at risk as part of their volunteer duties are required to complete the VIRTUS Adult Awareness Training Session.

Permission to photograph:

Cast members should expect to be photographed or videotaped during rehearsals and performances. Christmas Stars reserves the right to use all photographs, videography and other images for publicity purposes.

If you are willing and able to abide by these expectations, click one of the buttons below to continue the registration process.

Choose "FINISHED" if you are done registering your children.

Choose "CONTINUE" if you want to register additional children.

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